Studymono is a new platform that provides secondary school students with past questions from the most popular examinations for senior secondary school students in Nigeria-WAEC and JAMB. As many people are not acquainted with our website, we decided to write this article to help people to find their way around Studymono faster.
Viewing Past Questions from a Particular Subject
On Studymono, you can filter questions based on the subjects they come from. You can choose to only view questions from Physics or Biology, depending on what you want to see.
To filter the questions based on the subject
look for and click the Past Questions section on the navigation bar at the top of the screen. If you are on mobile, you may need to click the menu icon at the top right corner of the screen then select Past Questions. This will take you to the Past Questions Page.
Scroll down on the page and select the subject that you want to see questions from. Currently, we have five subjects: English, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology. Click the image or text for the subject that you want to see questions from. The page will then navigate and you will now be seeing questions from the subject that you selected.
You can use to following links to go directly to questions in a particular subject.
If you use these links, you will still land on the same page as going from the navigation bar.
Switching Between Pages in a Subject.
When you visit the page to see questions from a subject, you will notice that only four questions are shown. This is intentional and is part of the design. We divided the questions into multiple pages because they are so many that they cannot fit into a single page.
When you finish with the questions on the first page and want to move on to the next page, all you have to do is to look for the pagination links. This is located below the fourth question. You can click Next to move on to the next page or click Previous to go back to the previous page.
Filtering Questions by Exams and Subject
Sometimes you may want to only see Physics past questions, but only the ones from JAMB. On Studymono, you can do this too. All you have to do is to look for the Past Questions section on the navigation bar and click it. If you are on a phone, do not forget to first click the menu button at the top right corner of the navigation menu. The menu will appear, then you can select Past Questions from the list.
When you are on the Past Questions page, select the exam you want to see questions for. Currently, we have two exams on Studymono. We have WAEC questions and JAMB questions on Studymono. Pick the one you want to see questions from and then you will see a list of subjects. Select a subject from this list as you do when you want to filter by subject only. After clicking the subject, you will then be seeing questions from the exam you chose and the subject you chose.
We hope that this article provides the end-users with a little bit of insight into how to use Studymono. We look forward to your success story. If you have any further questions about using Studymono or have a question to ask, you can always reach us at our email at or from our Twitter handle @StudyMono. We will get back to you as soon as possible.